Support services in the Taranaki Region

Nau mai – haere mai – welcome. This is a locally-maintained list of wellbeing / support services in Taranaki.

Spotted an out-of-date entry, or an organisation which is missing? Please drop us an email to let us know, and we’ll sort it! Thank you:)

You can select a category below, on the left; or search for a keyword, or just browse the full directory.

Mā tōu rourou, mā taku rourou ka ora te iwi – With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

Photo of Alzheimers Taranaki
Work Phone: 06 769-6916

Biographical Info

We are a Non-Profit Organisation that looks after people with memory concerns, their carers/whānau and support people. We are a team of 14 that covers Taranaki, including three based in South Taranaki. We run education sessions, support groups for carers and Alz cafes for people with memory concerns and their carer, whānau or support person. We run day programmes in New Plymouth (4 times a week Tuesday to Friday) and Hawera (2 times a week, Tuesdays and Fridays) where clients come to us for socialisation, cognitive activities and much more. We work closely with other MDTs to ensure the very best outcomes and supports are available for our clients.

Categories: General Wellbeing, Mental Health and Counselling
Updated 2 days ago. Return to top.
Photo of Barnardos Taranaki
Contact: Administrator
7 Young Street New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Work Phone: 06 753 3484 Website: Barnardos Website

Biographical Info

In Taranaki our skilled and experienced staff provide a range of services and programmes that are tailored to suit the challenges of families in the region – with a primary focus on care and well-being of our children and their families.


Categories: Whānau, Children and Young People
Updated 10 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Big Brothers Big Sisters
Contact: Paul Lampe
New Plymouth Police Station 95 Powderham Street New Plymouth Taranaki 4310 New Zealand Work Phone: 027 260 8851 Website: Big Brothers Big Sisters Website

Biographical Info

Big Brothers Big Sisters offer the following services:

  • Mentoring Programmes
  • Mentor Training
  • One on one Mentoring
  • School-Based Mentoring
  • Community-Based Mentoring

Categories: Whānau, Children and Young People
Updated 2 days ago. Return to top.
Photo of Building Wellness Taranaki Trust
Contact: Christina Lorth
Website: Building Wellness Website

Biographical Info

We are a local industry led charitable Trust established in 2021 to improve the culture of the construction sector in Taranaki. Our vision is a stronger, caring, and inclusive construction industry that safeguards the wellbeing of our people. Our initiatives aim to build mental health and wellbeing knowledge and capability, plus offer resources and relevant safety nets to those who require support. Key focus areas include our Buddy and Leadership workshops, Tools to Talk awareness events, and connecting construction workers, businesses, and their whānau to relevant support services, including our mentoring initiative.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling, Suicide Prevention
Updated 2 days ago. Return to top.
Photo of CCS Disability Action
Contact: Ali Goldby
Work Phone: 0800 227 200 Website: CCS Disability Action

Biographical Info

CCS Disability Action has offices all over New Zealand.
We support almost 5 thousand disabled people and their families.
We can visit people who live in smaller communities. We support people of all ages and backgrounds.
We try to make life easier for people with disabilities.
We can ask for changes to: Buildings, Roads, Parks, Community Events.
We run the mobility parking scheme.
You can buy a permit so you can park in mobility parking spaces that are closer to buildings.
There are over 25 thousand resources that you can get from our library and information service.
New Plymouth: Phone (06) 758 5423
Hawera : (06) 278 7212

Categories: General Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing
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Photo of Citizens Advice Bureau New Plymouth
Community House 32 Leach Street New Plymouth Taranaki 4310 New Zealand Work Phone: 06 758 9542 Work Phone: 0800 FOR CAB (0800 367 222) Website: Citizens Advice

Biographical Info

We provide free, confidential, independent information, advice and support to anyone on any issue. Our trained volunteers take the time to listen, and aim to ensure that you get the information you need – whether it’s about your rights in a particular situation or to find a specific service, we will find a way forward. Language Assistance
Support is available.

We want to remind everyone that our service remains free – where people can pop in and visit, call us on the phone, or contact us via our website by using live chat or sending a message.

We also run a FREE legal service together with New Plymouth lawyers and have the JP Service Desk once a week.

Not sure? Ask us. Kāore i te mārama? Pātai mai.

Categories: Budget Support, Employment Support, General Wellbeing
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Photo of Conductive Education Taranaki
Contact: Renee Manella
41 Sanders Avenue Westown New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Work Phone: 06 929 3504 Cell Phone: 027 526 7754 Website: Conductive Education Taranaki

Biographical Info

We’re here because we believe every child has the right to reach their full potential, and we believe that Conductive Education can empower kids with disabilities to achieve it. We welcome you, your child, and everyone who supports them, to our community. We’re passionate about creating local opportunities for tāngata whaikaha (people with disabilities) to flourish, and proud to have an incredible community of supporters alongside us. Together, we’re helping to make Taranaki a more inclusive, empowered, supportive community. There is no “entry criteria” to our service; we’ll simply meet for a chat to find out whether Conductive Education is right for you. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions.

Categories: Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Creative Connections nz
Cell Phone: 027 755 9998

Biographical Info

Creative Connections was co-created by Aileen Katanella and Jessica Edelbaum approximately 4 years ago.

Neither of us are from here, yet Aotearoa is our home. Coming from foreign lands, Aileen from Chile and Jessica from the USA, we know the importance of belonging. It’s our mission to support people in nourishing their home within and remembering they belong. We prefer to do this in the most fun ways possible!

CCnz offers all natural products, playshops, individual sessions, weekend retreats, workplace wellness, monthly meet-ups, DIY essential oil classes and meditations. We aim for you to feel loved, playful, creative, reconnected with yourself and others, and free to be you.

There are opportunities to connect, play and express yourself.

Categories: General Wellbeing
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Photo of Diabetes NZ and Diabetes Integrated Team
(Te Whatu Ora Taranaki) Contact: Matire Ropiha-Stewart
Cell Phone: 027 024 601600

Biographical Info

Diabetes New Zealand is a Charitable Trust that represents and supports people with diabetes. We’ve been around for over 50 years and have a National Office in Wellington, and branches across the country with staff and volunteers who help people live well with diabetes. Our Mission is to Lead, champion and advocate for change to reduce the incidence of diabetes, improve diabetes health care, and empower those affected by or at risk of diabetes to lead healthy, active lives.

Categories: General Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing
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Photo of Families Overcoming Addiction
Contact: Sue Philpson
Cell Phone: 0273350391 Website: Familes Overcoming Addiction Website

Biographical Info

Families Overcoming Addiction provides support and information for people who have a loved one with substance dependence. We have group meetings – weekly in New Plymouth and monthly in Stratford – where whānau can find a confidential and supportive space to share, hear and connect with others in a similar situation. We also offer individual support sessions as required and have an active Facebook group where you can find inspiration and get a feel of how group sessions operate.

Categories: Addictions Support
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Photo of Fire Emergency New Zealand
Contact: Chris Linders
Taranaki District Headquarters New Plymouth Fire Station Liardet Street New Plymouth Taranaki 4310 New Zealand Website: Fire and Emergency NZ

Biographical Info

Fire Emergency New Zealand are our national emergency service who attend numerous 111 calls to fires, motor vehicle accidents, medical calls, specialist calls and events that require our help. We have both career and volunteer firefighters spread across the country. We work in communities to respond, minimise risks, build resilience and aid in recovery.

Categories: General Wellbeing
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Photo of Flourish Taranaki
Contact: Carla Moore Katy Quest
Upstairs at the New Plymouth Raceway above the TRFU gym 1 Rogan Street New Plymouth. Taranaki New Zealand Cell Phone: 021 75 8220 Website: Flourish Taranaki

Biographical Info

Flourish is here to offer authentic professional development for any parent who puts their hand up to learn how to make the parenting rollercoaster as enjoyable as possible, regardless of where they begin their ride.

Flourish provides a hub to connect parents and social service providers. A physical venue that is designed to host parenting programmes, meet-ups, chats, and kanohi ki te kanohi (face to face) support.

A digital platform designed to provide resources, connections and communication.

A coordination role to keep the programmes flowing, parents informed, funding requests managed and a friendly face when parents call in.

Our vision is to build a resilient community who flourish together through support, growth, connection and play.

Categories: Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Foodtogether
Cell Phone: 027 2372069

Biographical Info

Foodtogether is a produce collective that makes it easy and convenient to access fresh fruit and veges at great prices compared to traditional retail.
With a focus on fostering community and making healthy food accessible, Foodtogether is a social enterprise that is growing by the day.
Produce is bought, bagged and delivered on Thursdays, for pick up from any one of the pick up locations. As we grow and word spreads, more pick up locations will be added.
To order visit, create an account and go shopping.
Categories: General Wellbeing, Uncategorized
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Photo of Hapū Wānanga ki Taranaki
Cell Phone: 027 214 4886 Website: Hapu Wananga Taranaki Website

Biographical Info

Hapū Wānanga ki Taranaki is a kaupapa Māori child birth education programme, where we share experiences and information about pregnancy, birth and raising tamariki in Te Ao Māori. Taranakitanga 🏔 is woven throughout our programme.
Our team consists of Tawera, Aroha, Rose & Tash. We are Māori midwifery specialists who incorporate holistic (all inclusive) practices into this space.
We run a monthly two day wānanga at marae in Taranaki, it is a free service and it is encouraged for māmā to bring their partner or whānau support. You can register to attend a wānanga here:
Categories: Whānau, Children and Young People
Updated 10 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Hato Hone St John
Contact: Rebecca Kennedy
15 Oropuriri Road Waiwhakaiho New Plymouth Taranaki 4310 New Zealand Cell Phone: 027 2161592 Website: Hato Hone St Johns

Biographical Info

Hato Hone St John | Aotearoa New Zealand
Office Hours – Monday-Friday 9.00am – 3.00pm
PO Box 195 New Plymouth 4340

Hato Hone St John is a charitable organisation providing healthcare services to the New Zealand public. The organisation provides ambulance services throughout New Zealand, as well as certain other health services.

Categories: Physical Wellbeing, Uncategorized
Updated 11 months ago. Return to top.
Photo of Hāwera Budget Advisory Service Inc
Contact: Julie Gaudin
46 Union Street Hawera Taranaki 4610 New Zealand Work Phone: 06 2788448

Biographical Info

The Hāwera Budget Service provides supportive, confidential, non-judgemental advice and education to individuals and whānau in our community.

Our aim is to empower people to find satisfaction, security and financial independence, through the learning of money management skills.

Categories: Budget Support, General Wellbeing
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Photo of Hope Walk New Plymouth – Taranaki

Biographical Info

Hope Walk is a movement of hope. Bringing awareness to suicide and promoting prevention agencies/organisation. Don’t give up! Hope Walk Suicide Prevention Movement is a global community-led volunteer-driven movement that creates change through action led for those who have been touched by suicide. We work together with other likeminded organisations and community groups to provide a platform for suicide prevention world-wide.

You can find us on facebook; contact us by private message

Categories: Suicide Prevention
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Photo of InsideOut Kōaro
Contact: Dando (they/them)
Website: InsideOut

Biographical Info

InsideOUT Kōaro is a national charity that helps rainbow (LGBTQIA+) young people live fulfilling, joyous lives through their work to increase the safety of school and community spaces. InsideoOUT Kōaro delivers a variety of advocacy and support to young people through hosting youth groups and helping students to establish rainbow clubs at school. We also provide professional development workshops to school staff, mental health and addiction staff, and other community organisations. In addition to this mahi, we bring events for young people to the community. We offer non-judgemental, inclusive resources to whānau, students, staff and allies alike and if we cannot provide the right support, we can connect people to the folk who can. No referral is required, just send Dando an email!

Categories: General Wellbeing, Mental Health and Counselling
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Photo of Julie Knight Therapy
Contact: Julie Knight
1st Floor, Kings Building 36 Devon Street West (By Appointment Only) New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Cell Phone: 027 8587 655 Website: Julie Knight Therapy Website

Biographical Info

Kia ora – I am Julie, Owner of Julie Knight Therapy.
I am a registered Social Worker, who works with a range of people who struggle with their mental health.

I specialise in Eating Disorders, Play Therapy, and work with people of all ages who struggle with anxiety and depression.

I also contract for ACC Sensitive claims, Gumboot Friday and Benestar.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Contact: Philip Patrick
New Plymouth District Court 96 Powderham Street New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Cell Phone: 027 231 3714 Website: Ministry of Justice

Biographical Info

How can a Kaiārahi help you?
A Family Court Kaiārahi can help you:

  • Understand the language, processes and outcomes of Family Court proceedings
  • Where appropriate, access out-of-court services and support in the community to help you reach agreement about the care of your children
  • Remain engaged and involved in any Family Court proceedings by working to address any barriers that are preventing you from participating
  • With your agreement, connect you with other agencies and services in the community to support you as needed.

The Kaiārahi are a free service, but they do not give legal advice.

Categories: Uncategorized, Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Kāinga Ora
Website: Kainga Ora

Biographical Info

We provide tenancy services to nearly 200,000 customers and their whānau and own / maintain nearly 69,000 public houses while also providing home ownership products and other services. We are focusing on prioritising our tenants’ wellbeing, and provide tenants with good quality, warm, dry and healthy homes. Our Taranaki team (based in the MSD Building at Dawson House, New Plymouth) look after almost 1200 homes in Taranaki. We work with a number of agencies and services to provide wrap-around support for our most vulnerable customers to enable them to live well in our homes.

We also work closely with the Ministry of Social Development, which is responsible for working with people who need housing, income and employment support and helping people access and sustain long-term accommodation, and help meet the cost of short-term, emergency accommodation.

In addition to our public housing landlord role, Kāinga Ora is also focused on delivering quality urban developments that connect homes with jobs, transport, open spaces and the facilities that communities need. This includes accelerating the availability of build-ready land, and building a mix of housing including public housing, affordable housing, homes for first home buyers and market housing of different types, sizes and tenures.

We have delivered nearly 7,000 homes in the past four and half years, the vast majority being newly built homes and our assets are worth nearly $40 billion. Through our large-scale developments up to 40,000 public, affordable and market homes will be delivered over the next 10-15 years.

Categories: Housing Support
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Photo of Liz Fry – Coach
Contact: Liz Fry
Cell Phone: 021 449 832 Website: Liz Fry Coach Website

Biographical Info

I work closely alongside Taranaki Retreat as their Life Coach, Lead Coach. Through this collaboration we have created tools and models that bring a fresh approach to those that may feel they have “tried everything else.” Offering a future focused opportunity can be a refreshing alternative for our tangata whaiora that are ready to look at what the next chapter could hold.

I work 1:1 and with groups/workshops in person and online.

Categories: General Wellbeing, Mental Health and Counselling
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Photo of Male Survivors Taranaki
Contact: Mike Subritzky
Cell Phone: 027 444 0109 Website: Males Survivors Taranaki Website

Biographical Info

If you are a male who has experienced sexual abuse, you are not alone. Male Survivors Taranaki is here to support you in creating a happier, healthier future.

Our services offer you the opportunity for confidentiality, no judgement, self determination, and a focus on hope and recovery.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Photo of Mamaku Arts Therapy and Counselling
Contact: Deborah
Kings Building Level 1 36 Devon Street West New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Cell Phone: 027 767 3979

Biographical Info

Mamaku Arts Therapy and Counselling provides counselling and arts therapy for children, adolescents and adults. Deborah’s approach is person centred, trauma informed and draws strongly on somatic approaches. Honouring you as the expert in your own experiences, Deborah creates a space where aspects of your life and emotional experiences can be attended to gently and creatively at your own pace.

Deborah has worked with a wide range of clients; children, adolescents and adults, and presenting problems. She has a special interest in working with people experiencing anxiety, grief and loss, trauma and those experiencing times of transition and change in their lives. Deborah has experience working with all age groups in her own private practice, her work as a guidance counsellor in schools and as a Counsellor/Arts Psychotherapist with Hospice. Funding can be obtained through ACC Sensitive claims, Gumboot Friday, Clearhead, Aoake te Rā, Benestar, Victim Support, WINZ or privately funded.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Photo of Mental Health New Zealand
Contact: Patrick Calnan
Cell Phone: 022 011 4276 Website: Mental Health NZ Website

Biographical Info

Who Are We?

Our community based Mental Health Services (Mental Health NZ) support tangata whaiora in determining and realising their goals and aspirations. Our Recovery Facilitators work in partnership with people to develop a collaborative and respectful relationship, taking a holistic, strengths-based approach based on the health and wellbeing model of Te Whare Tapa Whā. Our range of services span the continuum from community-based acute alternatives to post-acute support and respite when needed, through to supporting people to live well in their local community.

What Do We Do?

Our Recovery Facilitators work with people to encourage and facilitate improvement of their health and wellbeing so they can thrive. We work with DHB clinical teams, primary care, community housing and support services, drug and alcohol services, Māori health providers, and other community providers to deliver person and whānau centric services. We provide this support to people living in their own homes, encouraging them to engage with their communities, including a focus on work or meaningful occupation, education and social activities.

Obtain our referral form to send off to: [email protected] then our Service Manager will be in touch.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Contact: Sharon Wills
40 Vivian Street New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Work Phone: 06 758 2757

Biographical Info

New Plymouth Community Foodbank has been providing food assistance to members of the New Plymouth community for over 20 years.
We utilise the time and skill of volunteers to pack food parcels based on individual need and circumstance to help alleviate food insecurity.
Donations of food, household consumables and money come from the community to provide a service for the community by the community.
Support is provided directly to people in need and thru referrals from other social service providers – call, email or contact us thru Facebook, we are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday
– closed all public holidays.

Categories: Uncategorized, Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of New Plymouth Women’s Centre
32 Leach Street, New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Work Phone: 06 758 4957 Website: NP Women’s Centre

Biographical Info

We provide support and validation to women & their families who are distressed by events in their life. Our services include advice, information, referrals to other agencies, support and advocacy. The Centre takes a humanist approach and our initiatives are based on the philosophy that meeting people’s basic needs such as food, shelter and a sense of belonging are the starting point for self sufficiency, growth and emotional well being.

Categories: General Wellbeing
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Photo of Ngāti Ruanui Whānau Ora
Work Phone: 06 278 1531 Work Phone: 0508 428 672

Biographical Info

We work and support whānau holistically. Tinana, whanau, hinengaro & wairua. We help whanau and/or individuals to develop a plan going forward and support them in achieving it. We work with Taiohi to Kaumatua.

You don’t have to be of Ngati Ruanui to enrol for our services. We provide budgeting support, a kaumatua group, a men’s group, child dental support and bowel screening education and support. We have connections to schools, kohanga reo, marae and employers within our community. We work with other community services that support whānau as well. Kia ora.

Categories: Employment Support, General Wellbeing, Housing Support, Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Olives’ Branch Rongoa
Traditional healing and medicine. Contact: Corryn Pryce-Baxter
Cell Phone: 021 135 1975

Biographical Info

“Ko Taranaki me Mynydd Mir oku Maunga,
Ko Waitotara me Hafren oku Awa,
Ko Cymraeg toku Iwi,
Ko James Baxter raua ko Grace Pryce oku Matua,
Ko Corryn Pryce-Baxter toku Ingoa.”

Originating from Wales, I learnt from a young age Spirit/Wairua connection and traditionally Welsh medicine from my Grandmother. Since coming to Aotearoa in 2001, I have continued this directive under Maori teaching.
I offer support and Aroha for those seeking the courageous first step in healing. Through my years of a practitioner in traditional, indigenous healing methods (Welsh and Maori), I offer Mirimiri, Romiromi (light and deep tissue Wairua led massage), Honohono (healing) Te whitiwhiti Korero (Spiritual guidance) and Rongoa Rakau (herbal medicine)


Alongside Corryn’s Mahi Wairua will be Manawa’s Mind mapping exercises.
This is an opportunity to help prioritise your goals and improve on how you juggle the struggles along your journey.
Whether you’re overwhelmed with too much on your plate, or you are just stuck with where you’re at. Mind mapping can be an awesome tool to help navigate your way to where you want to be.
Nau mai, Haere mai, give it a try…

Categories: General Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing
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Photo of On The House
Contact: Terry Hancock
St Jame’s Community Hall (Mondays) 24 Lawry Street Moturoa New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Holy Trinity Community Hall (Thursdays) 10 Henui Street Strandon New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Cell Phone: 027 810 8849 Website: On The House

Biographical Info

On The House (OTH) is a Charitable Trust that collects perfectly edible surplus food then redistributes it for free to whoever needs it without barriers or judgement utilising volunteers embodied with Manaakitanga principles. The three pillars of OTH is to reduce waste, feed people and build community through participation and connection.

Surplus is distributed via “pop up” free stores held twice a week in community halls on either side of New Plymouth.

Monday, 5-6pm – 24 Lawry Street, Moturoa (St James community hall).
Thursday, 5-6pm – 10 Henui Street, Strandon (Holy Trinity community hall).

Categories: General Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing
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Photo of Open Home Foundation
Contact: Robin Green
Work Phone: 06 758 9971 Website: Open Home Foundation

Biographical Info

Open Home Foundation is a community social work agency whose Social Work Kaupapa reflects commitment to working collaboratively with families and whānau in a strengths based and culturally appropriate way that prioritizes child safety and promotes family well-being/whānau mauri ora. Referrals can be made to OHF by Oranga Tamariki, other community agencies, schools and people in the community by contacting the office.

The Vision of OHF is for every child and young person growing up in a secure, loving family and receiving a depth of care that will bless them throughout their life.

Categories: Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Parafed Taranaki
Contact: Tracy Coker
Parafed Taranaki, PO Box 5015 New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Cell Phone: 027 632 2911 Website: Parafed Taranaki

Biographical Info

Parafed Taranaki (Taranaki Paraplegic and Physically Disabled Incorporated) was founded in 1976. Our aim is to grow and develop sport, recreational and play opportunities to disabled people within Taranaki. Parafed Taranaki can provide physical activity pathways from regional through to international levels. At Parafed Taranaki we are excited about creating opportunities for disabled people to participate in sport, recreation and play!

Categories: General Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing
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Photo of Pathways
220 Devon St West New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Work Phone: 06 7572864

Biographical Info

At Pathways, we truly care about supporting people on their path to wellness. We understand that everyone’s journey is unique and walk alongside tāngata whai ora every step of the way. By embracing the strength of whānau and community, we support people to achieve their goals and live full lives, hopeful and connected to what matters to them.
We offer a wide range of support services for adults, and through our youth brand, Real, we also support young people to navigate the highs and lows of daily life.

Pathways provide a range of adult community-based support, short stay respite, and housing and recovery services.
Our Real youth services include short stay respite, and a community based team (Whetū Marewa)  helping our young people build resilience, confidence and wellbeing.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for information on how to be referred to our services.

Categories: Addictions Support, General Wellbeing, Mental Health and Counselling
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Photo of Pearl Wellness
Contact: Angela Byelich
Fitzroy New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Cell Phone: 021 265 7309 Website: Pearl Wellness

Biographical Info

Angela Byelich (Pearl Wellness) is a certified Health Coach specialising in Mental Wellbeing. Health Coaching can be used effectively to improve both physical and mental wellbeing, using the latest in evidence-based lifestyle medicine and behaviour change techniques.

Working in partnership, Ange can support you to figure out your next steps.

– Whole-person approach

– Future-focused

– Evidence-based​

– Lived experience

– Flexible sessions (online, in-person, outdoors)

You can expect tons of space for you, skilled coaching, and lifestyle medicine tools you’ll actually like! Get in touch, whether you’re wanting to put anxiety in its place, new ways to improve mood and function, or simply need support to navigate a challenging time.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Photo of Pinnacle Extended Care Team
Work Phone: 06 759 4364 Website: Pinnacle Health

Biographical Info

Our Dietitians, Pharmacists and Social Workers work with people with long term conditions to help them to better self-manage their health. We accept referrals from health and community providers or people can self-refer.

Eligibility criteria; patients must be:
• Aged over 15 years
• Diagnosed with a long term condition e.g. DM Type 1 or 2, CHF, CVD, COPD
• Identified as high risk of developing a long term condition ie. IGT/pre-diabetes
• Eligible for publicly funded health care in New Zealand

And any of the following:
• Medication management concerns e.g. polypharmacy, multiple prescribers, non-adherence
• Nutritional concerns e.g. elevated or significantly lowered BMI
• Have difficulties self-caring/self-managing
• Identified concerns regarding lifestyle/environment/support
• Identified concerns regarding communication/memory/disengagement with health services

How to refer:
• Refer via
• Use e-referral for Pinnacle ExCT (Dietetics/Social Work/Pharmacist) via Best Practice.
• If via Te Whatu Ora – Taranaki, refer using CHIC referral form on WebPas.
• Specify reason for referral clearly and include recent relevant clinical results.
• Team members will refer to others within and external to Pinnacle where the need is identified on assessment.

Categories: General Wellbeing, Mental Health and Counselling, Physical Wellbeing
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Photo of Progress to Health
Room 12, 117 Powderham Street New Plymouth Taranaki 4310 New Zealand Work Phone: 0800 77 57 57 Work Phone: 0800 77 57 57 Website: Progress to Health Website

Biographical Info

Progress to Health works to create communities without barriers by supporting people and their families to reduce the impact of their health condition or disability on the way they want to live their lives. Our foundation and expertise sits with mental wellbeing.
Progress to Health is a regional community organization, based in Hamilton, but providing services throughout the Waikato, Taranaki and Taupo.
Progress to Health is unique because of our complete focus on the person first, by always looking for innovative and creative ways of approaching everyday things.
If the person is not better off because of our actions, we do not do it. This means that the service we deliver reflects everyone’s needs and aspirations – whether it be to learn a new skill or have some assistance to finding employment.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Contact: Wesley Milne (he/they)
2/7 King Street New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Cell Phone: 022 471 5098 Website: Rainbow Youth Website

Biographical Info

  • Kia ora! RainbowYOUTH is a national charity with folk working here in Taranaki too, we work with queer, intersex, takatāpui and gender diverse rangatahi between the ages of 13 – 27, their whānau and communities.

  • We provide 1:1 peer support where we work alongside rangatahi to set intentions and goals then help them take steps to achieve them utilizing their strengths.
  • We have a drop in centre for our rangatahi to come by, use our community wardrobe, play games and meet new folk.

  • We run events in the community, from craft sessions to camps!

    If you have any questions please email us! And if you want to access 1:1 peer support please use the referral link on our website –
    If you have any questions please email us! And if you want to access 1:1 peer support please use the referral link on our website –

Categories: Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Salvation Army Bridge Centre
Alcohol and Drug Support Contact: Shane Smith
118 Powderham Street New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Work Phone: 06 757 4132 Work Phone: 0800 530 000 Website: Bridge Programme Website

Biographical Info

This service provides residential support and treatment for people who are experiencing significant harm as a result of their own alcohol and or other drug use and cannot be treated in less structured or supported settings. A range of options are available depending on your needs.

Our purposeful, whole of life, person-centred, caring approach combines four key elements;

Partnership: You will be in a purposeful relationship with the treatment team as you move along your own personal path to recovery.

Community Reinforcement Approach: We go beyond education and advice to coaching and practice. Where practical, family and friends are encouraged to participate in your treatment plan.

12 Step Recovery Journey: The 12 Step approach suggests that the recovery includes a distinctly spiritual journey from a life of confusion and grief to a place of serenity and peace.

The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army in Aotearoa New Zealand seeks to offer an evidence-based, best practice treatment for people moderately to severely affected by their harmful use of, or dependency on alcohol and / or drugs as a practical expression of its Christian based love and concern for all people in the community.

Categories: Addictions Support
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Photo of Salvation Army New Plymouth
Cell Phone: 022 029 2331

Biographical Info

The Salvation Army Community Connection service takes an active approach to ensuring people needing help can access information, support and services across multiple government agencies and service providers.

The Community Connection service supports the welfare needs of individuals and whānau who have been affected by COVID-19, this could be different for everyone, you may have experienced a change in your mental, emotional or physical needs, or need support financially due to the impacts of COVID-19, we can look at ways to help support you and your whānau.

You can self-refer

Categories: General Wellbeing, Mental Health and Counselling, Physical Wellbeing
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Photo of Salvation Army Reintegration and Supported Accommodation
Contact: Glen Buckner
Work Phone: 0800 53 00 00 Website: Salvation Army Reintegration

Biographical Info

The Salvation Army Reintegration and Supportive Accommodation helps prisoners who are released from prison to transition back into the community. We work with prisoners who have completed a sentence of more than two years. All of our referrals come from Corrections, either from the Case Managers while the client is in prison or from Community Probation. Our service is contracted to the Department of Corrections and we work very closely with Community Probation.

Categories: General Wellbeing
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Photo of Sands Taranaki
Cell Phone: 027 862 6977

Biographical Info

Sands Taranaki facilitates options and provides meaningful support to bereaved whānau while they navigate their own journey after the loss of a pregnancy, baby or infant.

Sands Taranaki is a registered charity operated by bereaved parent volunteers. We offer empathy and understanding while maintaining Sands NZ core values and code of conduct at the centre of what we do ensuring a professional and professional service.

We meet with families and provide memory making opportunities, such as photos, hand and foot castings, imprints and memory boxes. We also run support meetings, coffee group catch ups and baby loss awareness events. We support families both at the time of their loss and in the months and years that follow.

Our monthly support meetings take place in New Plymouth and Hāwera.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Photo of Seasons for Growth
PO Box 547 New Plymouth Taranaki 4340 New Zealand Work Phone: 06 759 1178 Website: Seasons For Growth

Biographical Info

Seasons for Growth is one of the services that the Bishops Action Foundation provides in supporting the wellness of children and youth and is the only intervention of its type offered in the Taranaki region.

It is a peer support programme for children and young people from the ages of 5-17 experiencing severe grief or loss caused by separation of parents, death, serious illness or imprisonment of a parent or close relative or a period of foster care.

As well as providing the 9 week programme for children and youth, Seasons also provides a 4 week programme for those siblings or children/youth who have a whānau member who is suffering from a long term illness or health issue that has brought significant change to the young person’s life.

Parent programmes are also available which enables parents/caregivers to understand their child’s journey while participating in the programme.
Referrals are made by any parent/whānau, schools, health professionals and social services.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Contact: Nicky Baker
56 Disraeli St Hawera Taranaki 4610 New Zealand Work Phone: 06 278 3260 Cell Phone: 027 239 9831 Website: South Taranaki Whanau Centre

Biographical Info

STWC provide a safe, supportive, friendly environment for Families and Whanau.
We provide all our programmes free, please contact us for further information.
We also have rooms available for casual rates, Monday to Sunday, day or evening

Free Programmes we provide:
Parenting, Positive Relationships, Women’s Self Confidence, Teen Self Confidence, Raising Complex Kids, Grandparents/Whanau Caring For Children, Counselling/Kaitautoko Support.

Categories: Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Sport Taranaki – Active Lifestyles Team
Website: Sport Taranaki

Biographical Info

The Active Lifestyles Team at Sport Taranaki provide the support services of Green Prescription and Community Strength and Balance. We also have a comprehensive ACTIVITY HUB where you will find links to a huge variety of opportunities across Taranaki to be physically active including walking and jogging groups, aquatic classes, gyms, dance, sports clubs, yoga and tai chi to name a few.

What is Green Prescription/Rongoā Kākāriki?
Green Prescription is a free service which provides support and motivation to improve individual wellbeing/hauora through physical activity and lifestyle support.

Who can access Green Prescription support?
Any adults who are medically stable, are not meeting MOH guidelines for physical activity and are motivated to increase their physical activity and make some lifestyle changes

We are particularly keen to support anyone with either newly diagnosed or long-term health conditions who would benefit from increasing their physical activity levels e.g. clients with diabetes, cardiovascular or respiratory conditions, osteoarthritis and/or depression and anxiety.

What support is available through Community Strength and Balance?
We work with leaders in the community to provide a fun, safe and effective network of community classes aimed to help fall prevention in our older population.

For more information please refer to our website or talk to a health professional about a referral for support.

Categories: General Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing
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Photo of Tahi Health & Wellness
Website: Tahi Health and Wellness

Biographical Info

Your space to thrive. Tahi is a collective natural therapy centre, yoga, mindfulness & meditation education, based in the heart of New Plymouth, Taranaki.

Tahi offers professional Integrated Natural Therapies, Yoga, Mindfulness & Meditation courses – all within a beautiful contemporary space.

Put your wellbeing in our hands. Book an appointment with one of our sought after natural therapy practitioners

Categories: General Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing
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Work Phone: 0800 LAW TRUST (529 878) Website: Taranaki Community Law Website

Biographical Info

We provide community legal services throughout the Taranaki rohe.
Our phones are answered Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5pm

Waitara service
Waitara Library
15 Queen Street

New Plymouth Office
Level 1 Vero House
10-12 Devon St East

Stratford Service
Stratford Community House
52 Juliet Street

Hawera Service
Whanau Centre
56 Disraeli Street
Community Law logo

Categories: Uncategorized, Whānau, Children and Young People
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36-38 Liardet New Plymouth Taranaki 4310 New Zealand Work Phone: 06-758 5037 Website: Family Works Website

Biographical Info

A full range of social work and counselling services aimed toward building strong families/whanau that learn, grow and thrive.
Location :Taranaki and National


Categories: Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Taranaki R.A.T.S
(Riders Against Teenage Suicide) Contact: Nigel Scott
Cell Phone: 021 244 7724

Biographical Info

Taranaki RATS are a Registered Charitable Trust that has been operating in the Taranaki Region for around 5 years. We ride to raise awareness around Suicide Prevention, to support those families affected by suicide – and walk along with other organisations that support our kaupapa.

If you like motorcycles and have a passion for suicide awareness, then contact us via our FB page or call Nigel Scott (Chair)

Categories: Suicide Prevention
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Photo of Taranaki Retreat And Waimanako;
Contact: Alison Franklin
33 Devon Street West New Plymouth Taranaki 4310 New Zealand Work Phone: 06 2150993 Website: Taranaki Retreat Trust

Biographical Info

Kia ora; Taranaki Retreat offers a ‘Space to Breathe’ for individuals or wh​ānau going through tough times – people helping people; alongside-you holistic peer-support, connected up and working hand-in-hand with our clinical services – each of us doing our bit to make sure that you are heard and cared for.

People reach out, or when that is too hard, friends/whānau members and other caring services get in touch with us every single day to get some support rolling. That’s what we’re here for. We offer a Support Hub (Waimanako;/The Hope Centre) and a peaceful Time Out space in the country.

Waimanako is a “safe space” in New Plymouth CBD (33 Devon Street West) with an awesome Kai for Koha cafe, a Creative Hub and many workshops and support groups. We’re open every day except Sundays and Public Holidays, 10am-9pm. Listening Ear support is always available – you don’t need an appointment.

Categories: Addictions Support, General Wellbeing, Mental Health and Counselling, Suicide Prevention, Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Taranaki Rural Support Trust
Contact: Marcia Paurini
Cell Phone: 02 2679 0120 Work Phone: 0800 787 254 Website: Taranaki Rural Support Trust

Biographical Info

Taranaki Rural Support Trust Mission is to assist Taranaki rural people to restore their livelihoods in the wake of adversity.

We work with farmers for a wide range of stressors and Trustees and Facilitators are rural people with local knowledge and an understanding of rural life challenges.

Community support is delivered through facilitation of “Good Yarn”, a rural mental health awareness workshop. Individual support is free and confidential with one-on-one contact or linking to expertise.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling, Suicide Prevention
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Photo of Taranaki Safe Families Trust
Cell Phone: 027 481 6833 Website: Taranaki Safe Families Trust

Biographical Info

Established in 2008, Taranaki Safe Families Trust is a collaborative of 26 government and non-government agencies leading the family violence prevention campaign in Taranaki.

We aim to promote awareness, encourage the utilisation of local services and advocate for long term cultural change in our community. TSFT has established project groups which contribute to the campaign including family violence workplace training, professional development and an extreme risk case management process.

The overall vision of TSFT is for Taranaki whānau to be safe and free of violence.

Categories: General Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing
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Photo of Taranaki Women’s Refuge
Contact: Diane Boon
Work Phone: (06) 769 5553 Work Phone: 0800 827 973 Website: Taranaki Women’s Refuge

Biographical Info

OUR VISION: To influence the prevention and reduction of Domestic Violence in the Taranaki community.
TWR offers Domestic Violence services for all women and their children.
Our services are confidential, non-discriminatory and for all women aged
18-65 years’ old who have been or are experiencing Domestic Violence. TWR provides information, advice, education and advocacy through multiple support mechanisms including provision of:

  • A free confidential service by qualified, professional practitioners
  • An 0800 * crisis line* available 24/7 throughout the region
  • A face-to-face service Taranaki wide
  • A confidential safe house (criteria applies)
  • A community office hub
  • Safety planning
  • A women’s group
  • Post crisis intensive social work with a registered social worker
  • Referrals, with consent, to external agencies for specialised services. For example: legal, W&I, housing, budgeting
  • Transitional Housing (referrals via W&I)
  • Whanau Protect: Practical Safety improvements including home alarm systems for high-risk victims of DV
  • Networking with relevant agencies to ensure safety and good service provision
  • ASPIRE Men’s Project- one-on-one counselling for men who want to change their relationship behaviour with a male social worker

Please contact us for further information.


Categories: General Wellbeing
Updated 11 months ago. Return to top.
98 Liardet Street PO Box 448 New Plymouth Taranaki 4310 New Zealand Work Phone: (06) 7587182 Work Phone: 0800 002288

Biographical Info

Taranaki Young People’s Trust offers up to date information, advocacy, referrals, education, counselling, and support, for the well-being of young people and their families/whanau.
It is safe, culturally sensitive, non-judgemental place where Youth and their whanau can make positive and healthy changes to their lives. Our dedicated, professional team can mentor, support, and advocate for you. We also run educational workshops, these range from Stopping violence, Grief and Suicide, Personal Awareness, Stress Management, Health and Personal Hygiene to Learner Licence Workshops.
We have two trained counsellors and social workers on site. YPT has also run a successful Alternative Education Programme for the past 18 years. The YPT has been in the community for over 29 years offering a safe, effective service to anyone in our community.
Our target age is 10–25-year-olds and their families but no-one is ever turned away. We have an open-door policy – so no appointment needed. If you are another service

Flick us an email and we can email you a referral form. Anyone can give us a call on the numbers above.

Categories: Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Te Ara Pae Trust
276 High Street Hawera Taranaki New Zealand Work Phone: 0800 278 639 Work Phone: (06) 278 6399

Biographical Info

Te Ara Pae trust is a not for profit organisation that provides professional counselling and support for individual and whānau who are affected by family and sexual violence. The organisation also provides counselling and group workshops for anger management. Counselling is also provided for the Rainbow Community. Mon – Fri: 9am–5pm

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Photo of Te Kete Poumanu
Work Phone: 0800 768626

Biographical Info

The National Organisation of Māori with lived experience of mental distress and/or addiction. Our objectives are to provide Māori with lived experience, independent forums in their regions to kōrero and discuss kaupapa relevant to them. Ensure Māori with lived experience inform and influence systemic change that responds to the needs of Māori. Te Kete Pounamu advocate for Māori to receive high quality care and support from mental health and addiction services.
Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm

Categories: Addictions Support
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Photo of This is Me Advocacy
Contact: Janine Jupp
Cell Phone: 027 846 0259

Biographical Info

This is Me Advocacy began with Janine realising that it was okay to tell her mental illness story, and that she could use it to help others. Janine tells her story in her book – This is Me: a Janine Mullin anxiety story.
She encourages everyone to tell their mental illness story to the world. By telling our stories we can bring about understanding and acceptance of mental illness in our society. Janine is passionate about fighting for the rights of people who struggle with mental illness, and raising awareness about the struggles some people face on a daily basis. Janine is available as a public speaker, or can be contacted by ANYBODY who needs advice, or just wants to chat.

tū mai koe kia mōhio ai te ao i a koe
stand tall so the world can know you

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Photo of Thrive With Ruth
Contact: Ruth Cohen
Cell Phone: 021 02398297 Website: Thrive with Ruth

Biographical Info

Thrive with Ruth offers two main branches to help people Thrive, Yoga and Fermented Foods.

I offer Yoga classes that are accessible to all shapes, sizes and ages. The classes are invitational, fun and safe, no one will be told to put their foot behind their head! I am also training in Trauma Sensitive Yoga and bring that aspect to all my classes. I work with beginners and older people, as well as whānau classes.

The other branch of Thrive with Ruth is Fermented Foods. I teach introduction to fermented foods. Together, we learn how to ferment vegetables and how to make sourdough bread. We learn in groups, to help each other and strengthen communities. I call my courses fermented foods parties.

Categories: General Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing
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Photo of Tui Ora Ltd
36 Maratahu Street New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Work Phone: 06-759-4064 Website: Tui Ora Ltd

Biographical Info

Our Vision is to strengthen whānau wellness and quality of living. We work with a whole whānau or family, understanding that many factors influence a person’s health. For example a pregnant mother may need advice on nutrition, budgeting and injury prevention as well as peer support to help with breastfeeding. A patient suffering from cancer may need an advocate to help them navigate the health system.

Our staff don’t work in isolation but alongside each other, as well as other health and social service providers. This is our Whānau Ora model of care.

Community Connector Service
Kaiārahi Community Connectors are navigators within the community, our role is designed to advocate, navigate and connect whānau to services that tautoko (support) them on their journeys. We work closely with whānau to identify their specific needs acting as a conduit between the community and agencies by way of connecting people with a range of services according to their need.

We can support positive engagement with Government agencies and other services, we also collaborate with local community groups, organisations and government agencies on initiatives and community events

Categories: General Wellbeing, Mental Health and Counselling, Physical Wellbeing
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Photo of Tui Ora Youth Service
36 Maratahu Street New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Cell Phone: 0508 496 884 Website: Tui Ora Youth Services

Biographical Info

Tui Ora Youth Service, support, mentor, advocate Taiohi aged between 16 to 20 years old to achieve their goals and aspirations. We have been helping Taiohi in Taranaki since 2012 and are fully funded by the Ministry of Social Development.

We support taiohi who are in receipt of benefits as well as NEETs (Not in Education Employment or training) and don’t receive any govt funding, from a variety of backgrounds and who may present with different barriers and need the support to find ways through the barriers to help them achieve and become empowered.

You do not need to have an appointment or need to complete a referral form to come meet with us. You can be a teacher, a parent, a Taiohi (young person) or a friend. We will be more than happy to listen to what the need/s are and work alongside the young person to find ways to help meet the need/s without judgement but with passion to help.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling, Physical Wellbeing, Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Volunteering New Plymouth
Devon Centre Level 4/44 Liardet Street, New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Work Phone: 06 758 8986

Biographical Info

The main purpose of Volunteering New Plymouth is to assist ‘not for profit’ community groups in recruiting and retaining volunteers and to offer ongoing support to all community organisations and their volunteers. To do this we offer our service as a contact point for all volunteers and community agencies.

We provide information about opportunities for volunteering, we raise community awareness of the importance of the work that is undertaken by volunteers, we organise recognition awards, we advocate on behalf of volunteers and community organisations at a local and national level and we provide a channel where resources can be shared, particularly in the training of volunteers and their coordinators/managers.

Categories: Employment Support, General Wellbeing
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Photo of Well Stop
361 Devon Street East New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Work Phone: 06 758 4178 Website: Wellstop

Biographical Info

WellStop is a community-based organisation that aims to eliminate harmful sexual behaviour.

WellStop’s sexual harm crisis support and counselling services provide support and therapy for people who have been affected by sexual harm.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Photo of Whānau Āwhina Plunket
Contact: Rose Haskell
Work Phone: 0800 933 922 Website: Whanau Awhina – Plunket

Biographical Info

Whānau Āwhina Plunket is a national not-for-profit organisation and New Zealand’s largest provider of support services for the development, health and wellbeing of tamariki and whānau. Plunket offers free health and development checks, a 24/7 parenting helpline, Plunketline which is available to all whānau, and a range of local services. We also offer support services to help you connect with other whānau in your community and empower you in your role as a parent or caregiver.  Please check out our website for a full list of services and a range of information around child development, being a parent, caring for your child and child health concerns: – you do not need data on your phone to access our website.

Categories: Physical Wellbeing, Whānau, Children and Young People
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Photo of Workbridge
Toptown Complex Devon Street West New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Cell Phone: 029 771 2272 Work Phone: 0508 858 858 Website: Workbridge

Biographical Info

Are you looking for work?  Do you have some challenges finding new employment?  If you would love to receive FREE support from a local community organisation, then reach out to Workbridge.  We can provide free employment services for anyone who has some challenges or barriers to gaining employment.

Workbridge can help you overcome barriers that may exist in finding employment and can provide ongoing support after you have found a job.  We work on practical pre-employment tasks such as CV development, job searching, interview skills, confidence building and other pre-employment activities.  You can contact Workbridge through our website (, or directly (029 771 2272) or on our freephone number (0508 858 858) or even come in for a friendly chat – we are located in the Toptown Complex, New Plymouth.

Categories: Employment Support
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Photo of Workwise Employment Agency
Contact: Sandra Broughton
220 Devon Street West New Plymouth Taranaki 4310 New Zealand Work Phone: 06 757 3831 Cell Phone: 027 676 5988 Website: Workwise

Biographical Info

Workwise supports people who are facing personal or health challenges to find and keep a job. In Taranaki, anyone accessing adult mental health and addiction services can be referred to us at Workwise. If you’re thinking about employment and would like some support – talk to your mental health or addictions service about Workwise.

We’re here to help you create employment opportunities so you can achieve your dreams. You’ll be connected with an employment consultant. Together you’ll explore your experience, skills and aspirations, and create an employment plan to help you achieve your goals. When it comes to looking for your job, you decide how much support you would like from us. Workwise can help with everything, including the support(s) you may need to settle into your job and thrive. It’s all about what you need. We’re passionate about helping people find the right job and supporting them to be successful.

Categories: Employment Support
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Photo of Yellow Brick Road
Work Phone: 06 757 9300 Website: Yellow Brick Road

Biographical Info

Formerly Supporting Families NZ, we’re Yellow Brick Road; a national organisation that provides mental health support for families who have a loved one experiencing mental health challenges.

After 40 years of experience working with people around New Zealand, we know that if the family of a loved one experiencing mental distress are correctly supported and empowered, the path they walk leads to increased wellbeing for the whole whānau.

We will walk alongside any family in New Zealand who needs support, knowledge, advocacy and empowerment as they journey towards mental wellbeing.

If you are concerned about a family member experiencing mental health challenges, we can help you.

Categories: Mental Health and Counselling
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Photo of Zeal Taranaki
Contact: Amber Kendall
69 Devon Street, West New Plymouth Taranaki New Zealand Work Phone: 0800 346 393 Website: Zeal Website

Biographical Info

Zeal is an Inclusive spaces & opportunities for young people in Taranaki. We cater for young people 13-18 Years old.We believe every young New Zealander deserves to belong, to be accepted on their terms, and to have a real shot to thrive. Zeal is an Aotearoa youth organisation providing safe, inclusive local and online spaces – where you can explore and flex your strengths through affordable programmes and workshops, and make lifelong friendships at creative showcases and events.

Categories: Whānau, Children and Young People
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