Support services in the Taranaki Region

Nau mai – haere mai – welcome. This is a locally-maintained list of wellbeing / support services in Taranaki.

Spotted an out-of-date entry, or an organisation which is missing? Please drop us an email to let us know, and we’ll sort it! Thank you:)

You can select a category below, on the left; or search for a keyword, or just browse the full directory.

Mā tōu rourou, mā taku rourou ka ora te iwi – With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

Olives’ Branch Rongoa

Traditional healing and medicine. Contact: Corryn Pryce-Baxter
Cell Phone: 021 135 1975

Biographical Info

“Ko Taranaki me Mynydd Mir oku Maunga,
Ko Waitotara me Hafren oku Awa,
Ko Cymraeg toku Iwi,
Ko James Baxter raua ko Grace Pryce oku Matua,
Ko Corryn Pryce-Baxter toku Ingoa.”

Originating from Wales, I learnt from a young age Spirit/Wairua connection and traditionally Welsh medicine from my Grandmother. Since coming to Aotearoa in 2001, I have continued this directive under Maori teaching.
I offer support and Aroha for those seeking the courageous first step in healing. Through my years of a practitioner in traditional, indigenous healing methods (Welsh and Maori), I offer Mirimiri, Romiromi (light and deep tissue Wairua led massage), Honohono (healing) Te whitiwhiti Korero (Spiritual guidance) and Rongoa Rakau (herbal medicine)


Alongside Corryn’s Mahi Wairua will be Manawa’s Mind mapping exercises.
This is an opportunity to help prioritise your goals and improve on how you juggle the struggles along your journey.
Whether you’re overwhelmed with too much on your plate, or you are just stuck with where you’re at. Mind mapping can be an awesome tool to help navigate your way to where you want to be.
Nau mai, Haere mai, give it a try…

Categories: General Wellbeing, Physical Wellbeing