Support services in the Taranaki Region

Nau mai – haere mai – welcome. This is a locally-maintained list of wellbeing / support services in Taranaki.

Spotted an out-of-date entry, or an organisation which is missing? Please drop us an email to let us know, and we’ll sort it! Thank you:)

You can select a category below, on the left; or search for a keyword, or just browse the full directory.

Mā tōu rourou, mā taku rourou ka ora te iwi – With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

Pinnacle Extended Care Team

Work Phone: 06 759 4364 Website: Pinnacle Health

Biographical Info

Our Dietitians, Pharmacists and Social Workers work with people with long term conditions to help them to better self-manage their health. We accept referrals from health and community providers or people can self-refer.

Eligibility criteria; patients must be:
• Aged over 15 years
• Diagnosed with a long term condition e.g. DM Type 1 or 2, CHF, CVD, COPD
• Identified as high risk of developing a long term condition ie. IGT/pre-diabetes
• Eligible for publicly funded health care in New Zealand

And any of the following:
• Medication management concerns e.g. polypharmacy, multiple prescribers, non-adherence
• Nutritional concerns e.g. elevated or significantly lowered BMI
• Have difficulties self-caring/self-managing
• Identified concerns regarding lifestyle/environment/support
• Identified concerns regarding communication/memory/disengagement with health services

How to refer:
• Refer via
• Use e-referral for Pinnacle ExCT (Dietetics/Social Work/Pharmacist) via Best Practice.
• If via Te Whatu Ora – Taranaki, refer using CHIC referral form on WebPas.
• Specify reason for referral clearly and include recent relevant clinical results.
• Team members will refer to others within and external to Pinnacle where the need is identified on assessment.

Categories: General Wellbeing, Mental Health and Counselling, Physical Wellbeing