Support services in the Taranaki Region

Nau mai – haere mai – welcome. This is a locally-maintained list of wellbeing / support services in Taranaki.

Spotted an out-of-date entry, or an organisation which is missing? Please drop us an email to let us know, and we’ll sort it! Thank you:)

You can select a category below, on the left; or search for a keyword, or just browse the full directory.

Mā tōu rourou, mā taku rourou ka ora te iwi – With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

Ngāti Ruanui Whānau Ora

Work Phone: 06 278 1531 Work Phone: 0508 428 672

Biographical Info

We work and support whānau holistically. Tinana, whanau, hinengaro & wairua. We help whanau and/or individuals to develop a plan going forward and support them in achieving it. We work with Taiohi to Kaumatua.

You don’t have to be of Ngati Ruanui to enrol for our services. We provide budgeting support, a kaumatua group, a men’s group, child dental support and bowel screening education and support. We have connections to schools, kohanga reo, marae and employers within our community. We work with other community services that support whānau as well. Kia ora.

Categories: Employment Support, General Wellbeing, Housing Support, Whānau, Children and Young People