Support services in the Taranaki Region

Nau mai – haere mai – welcome. This is a locally-maintained list of wellbeing / support services in Taranaki.

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Mā tōu rourou, mā taku rourou ka ora te iwi – With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

Salvation Army Reintegration and Supported Accommodation

Contact: Glen Buckner
Work Phone: 0800 53 00 00 Website: Salvation Army Reintegration

Biographical Info

The Salvation Army Reintegration and Supportive Accommodation helps prisoners who are released from prison to transition back into the community. We work with prisoners who have completed a sentence of more than two years. All of our referrals come from Corrections, either from the Case Managers while the client is in prison or from Community Probation. Our service is contracted to the Department of Corrections and we work very closely with Community Probation.

Categories: General Wellbeing