by Jamie | Jul 30, 2020 | Newsfeed
Kia ora whānau Just wanted to share the lyrics from this song, for your encouragement. I think it expresses what we’re seeking to be… alongside you. Arohanui, Jamie The more I tell you you can do thisThe more you tell yourself you’re uselessAny...
by Jamie | Jul 28, 2020 | Newsfeed
Kia ora dear Retreat Whānau I’m not a one for the cheesy quotes and one-liners. For some reason, though, this simple image and (not hugely original… but still utterly cool) concept has really spoken to me over the last couple of weeks. I think perhaps...
by Jamie | Jul 21, 2020 | Newsfeed
We’re stoked at the launch of our new Tautoko/Support Portal. We’ve taken our time developing this resource, as a way to stay in touch with our community. Whatever brings you to connect up here, we welcome you. Hurting? This part is for YOU if you’re...
by Jamie | Apr 8, 2020 | Newsfeed
Kotahitanga – The road is long but the journey is never dullKia ore e te whānauBack in your inbox. During our e-newsletter break, we’ve had a bit of a re-jig! From feedback received, we disovered that:- Most people preferred a fortnightly over a...
by Jamie | Mar 7, 2020 | Newsfeed
Kia ora e te whānauGreetings to you as another week has flown – wet and coldly – by. Does it feel to you that life is speeding back up again? Some shared with us how helpful they found sloooowing down, and a less crowded calendar. Others really struggled...