Support services in the Taranaki Region

Nau mai – haere mai – welcome. This is a locally-maintained list of wellbeing / support services in Taranaki.

Spotted an out-of-date entry, or an organisation which is missing? Please drop us an email to let us know, and we’ll sort it! Thank you:)

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Mā tōu rourou, mā taku rourou ka ora te iwi – With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.

Taranaki Women’s Refuge

Contact: Diane Boon
Work Phone: (06) 769 5553 Work Phone: 0800 827 973 Website: Taranaki Women’s Refuge
Photo of Taranaki Women’s Refuge

Biographical Info

OUR VISION: To influence the prevention and reduction of Domestic Violence in the Taranaki community.
TWR offers Domestic Violence services for all women and their children.
Our services are confidential, non-discriminatory and for all women aged
18-65 years’ old who have been or are experiencing Domestic Violence. TWR provides information, advice, education and advocacy through multiple support mechanisms including provision of:

  • A free confidential service by qualified, professional practitioners
  • An 0800 * crisis line* available 24/7 throughout the region
  • A face-to-face service Taranaki wide
  • A confidential safe house (criteria applies)
  • A community office hub
  • Safety planning
  • A women’s group
  • Post crisis intensive social work with a registered social worker
  • Referrals, with consent, to external agencies for specialised services. For example: legal, W&I, housing, budgeting
  • Transitional Housing (referrals via W&I)
  • Whanau Protect: Practical Safety improvements including home alarm systems for high-risk victims of DV
  • Networking with relevant agencies to ensure safety and good service provision
  • ASPIRE Men’s Project- one-on-one counselling for men who want to change their relationship behaviour with a male social worker

Please contact us for further information.


Categories: General Wellbeing
Updated 11 months ago.