Hearing about what we do well and what we need to change helps ensure our efforts are of direct benefit to the people we support.
You can express a compliment, concern or complaint by talking with a team member at Waimanako or the Retreat, by writing a letter or by email to our Service Leader – [email protected] – or by using this simple form.
Anyone can express a compliment, concern or complaint – friends, whānau, external agencies, advocates, and individuals.

Your Feedback
Taranaki Retreat Trust will support you to express your concerns and complaints in ways that suit you.
You can talk with or write to the Service Leader or another member of our Management Team. They will respond in writing within five working days.
Or: Get a support person, interpreter or advocate involved.
Or: Talk with or write to the Health and Disability Commissioner or Human Rights Commission (if relevant).
Our Procedures
- Complaints will be recorded and acknowledged within five working days.
- When we investigate a concern or complaint, we follow the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights (head here to read more) and our Concerns and Complaints Policy. Let us know if you would like to receive copies of these.
- Within two weeks of acknowledgement, we must notify you of the outcome of the complaint or decide we need more time to consider the complaint.
If we need more than two weeks of additional time, we will contact you. When we make a decision, we will tell you the reason for our decision, what actions we are taking and what your options are for appealing the decision.
We will always endeavour to resolve a concern or complaint fairly, simply and as quickly as possible. We take your rights seriously.
Your Rights
You have the right to have your complaint and our actions in response to your complaint documented.
You have the right to have all information relevant to the complaint made available to you in a format that suits you.
You have the right to have a support person present during any meeting relating to the complaint.
You have the right to an independent advocate provided under the Health and Disability Commissioner Act 1994.
You have the right to contact the Health and Disability Commissioner about your complaint.
You have the right to be treated with respect and dignity.
You have the right for your complaint to be treated confidentially.
You have the right to be updated on the progress of your complaint at least every 15 working days.