Time-out, rest and relaxation
Time to be quiet / on my own
It was great to have Time-out from the stresses and pressures of having to cope with everyday living commitments such as having to maintain housing accommodation and its duties of upkeeping, especially when you have no choice having to do it alone. This includes having to deal with sickness and its disabilities.
Tell us what you most enjoyed / found helpful during your stay?
I found being able to have the freedom of speech being able to talk to trusting people at the surroundings of the Retreat. Knowing that it was drug and alcohol-free, and being able to have the space to breathe.
In terms of helping you feel stronger and safer, did your stay at the Retreat assist you?
Yes i felt very safe from pressures of society knowing I was with trusting people who were very kind and helpful.
How do you think we could improve things at Taranaki Retreat for future Guests?
By having people who have spent their time there spreading the word of what the Retreat may need to keep it going whether it be voluntary work sharing and caring.
Do you think your stay at the Retreat will make a difference in how things are for you, now that you’re back home?
Yes. Knowing that there are genuine people who care about you who are there when you need them for future requirements.
Finally, please add any other comments / feedback here 🙂
The Retreat for me was a place for security peace and balance. A pleasure to share with the beautiful host/hostess and people involved who i found to be a blessing towards my journey of recovery.